Metonym 2024 Staff 


Marae Swanson, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Marae is a senior English major at Jessup University. She is ready to face the new year head on and endure any obstacles that could be thrown her way. This is her second year as Co-Editor-in-Chief, and she is excited to create another Metonym issue. Jane Austen is one of her favorite authors to read. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, playing video games, working out, singing with music, and spending time with friends and loved ones.

Danielle Pickens, Co-Editor-In-Chief

Danielle Pickens is an English major in her Junior year at Jessup University. Danielle is super excited to be Co-Editor-in-Chief this year and to grow in her leadership skills. She plans to go into a career in editing and hopes that that this experience is the first step towards reaching that goal. In addition to enjoying reading and writing in her free time, Danielle loves doing art, spending time with friends, and being outside whenever she can. She hopes that readers will enjoy this year's edition of Metonym Journal.

Jacquelyn Fairchild, Managing Editor

Jacquelyn is an English major with a concentration in creative writing at Jessup. She is pursuing a career as a librarian and likes to devour as many books as possible. As a romance reader she enjoys long walks with her dog and pretending she has a boyfriend by flirting with her friends. She loves trying new foods and will make potstickers or ramen whenever possible. Running isn't for her, unless it's away from bees. Through playing the cello she continues to follow God's call and keeps looking towards Jesus through any storm. She firmly believes there is always more, so just keep going.

Asia McNabb, Poetry Editor

Asia is a Senior at Jessup, pursuing a degree in English with the goal of helping others learn to articulate themselves well and to think critically about their writing. She loves seeing the individual ways people express their creative nature and hopes to be able to enjoy the creativity of writing and art that is submitted to Metonym this year. Her favorite genre to read is fantasy or historical fiction. However, her favorite genre to write is poetry because of how economical and careful it requires the writer to be with word choice and order while still crafting beautiful imagery and meaning, and so she is excited to step into a new role at Metonym as the editor for Poetry. When not reading, writing, or also reading, Asia enjoys participating in the art of tea, listening to music, and getting to know her friends better.

Bethany Thomas, Fiction Editor

Bethany Thomas is a Junior English Major concentrating in Creative Writing at William Jessup University. Finding her passion for the written word at a young age, she has spent her life reading a variety of novels and working on her own writing. She hopes to turn her passion into a career not only of her own writing, but of editing others’ works. Bethany is thrilled to be on the Metonym team this year and can’t wait to explore all of the works submitted. 

Haylie Cobb, Nonfiction Editor

Haylie Cobb is a Senior at Jessup studying English with the goal of becoming a professor of Old Testament. Her passion for storytelling and creative writing led her to join the metonym team, where she’s excited to read stories from a variety of voices and lives. When she’s not reading or writing, Haylie is busy taking care of her goats on her family’s farm, playing violin in her orchestra, and drinking tea and embroidering with her friends.

Samantha Swanson, Visual Art Editor

Samantha Swanson is an English major in her junior year pursuing a career as a fiction writer and editor. She fits nearly all of the English major stereotypes, often finding herself lost in a book, enjoying good coffee on a comfy spot on the couch– with any of her beloved cats or dogs to keep her company. Besides that, she is very passionate about the stories people have to tell– whether it be through the written word or visual art.

Alec Lashbrook, Assistant Editor

Alec Lashbrook is one of the assistant directors and a transfer student with an English major. He has a love for writing fictional stories, from fantasy to sci-fi, and has the desire to not only write books, but also the stories of games and various media. This love for writing all began when he was the age of twelve, thanks to the little push that one of his many teachers had given him, allowing his writings to snowball and improve. Interestingly enough. Alec also has some experience with sculpting small sculptures that are just the perfect size to use for certain tabletop games, as well as knowing the way of the sword, through a martial arts called iaido.

James Rivers, Assistant Editor

James Rivers is a senior English major at Jessup graduating this fall. He is excited to finally be participating in Metonym after hearing so much about it throughout his time here. James hopes to become an editor and Metonym is a perfect opportunity to continue gaining experience in that career. James loves helping others express their ideas with clarity, allowing their voices to be heard in the best way possible. James is looking forward to moving to Washington next year, where he will take many many walks with his wife.